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Natural Detox - Addiction to drugs or alcohol, especially addictions that include physical elements of dependence, can lead to serious consequences. Natural detox methods can help an addict to heal and recover without subjecting him or her to the struggles associated with using other drugs in order to remain abstinent from substance use. Addicts often need a boost ...
Medically Assisted Detox - Anyone who suffers from drug or alcohol addiction can find great benefits in the care that is offered by medically assisted detoxification. These programs offer medical care, supervised treatment and the necessary intervention methods that many recovering addicts need in order to get well. Doctors, trained treatment professionals and qualified staff work together to observe ...
Holistic Detox - A relatively new method of detox that is gaining popularity is holistic detox. This type of detox involves the use of both alternative medicine techniques and traditional treatment to help patients overcome physical drug or alcohol dependence and stop harmful behavior that otherwise could lead to serious consequences or life threatening problems. Certain drugs are ...
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