San Luis Obispo Addiction Recovery Ctr
Call 800-315-1376 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Also try these nearby Detox Centers in California
- Marin Treatment Center Outpatient Services
- Riverside County Substance Abuse Prog
- Volunteers of America (VOA) Volunteers of America/Detox
- McAlister Institute for Trt and Educ (MITE)/Options Residential/Kiva
- Hawaiian Gardens Medical and Mental Health Services
- Addiction Research and Treatment Inc (ART)
- San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) Opiate Trt Outpt Prog/Methadone Detox
- American Health Services LLC Venice Medical and Mental Health Servs
- Narconon Vista Bay
- Narcotics Prevention Project/Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program