5 Benefits of Outpatient Detox Programs
If you or someone you love has a drug or alcohol dependence problem and are thinking about stopping, the first step is to seek medically-assisted detoxification. It is the best way you or a loved one can rid the body of the harmful toxins from drugs or alcohol safely, and begin a recovery program. If you cannot enter into a residential treatment program due to work and other family obligations, then looking into outpatient detox programs can be your best chance on the path to become clean and sober.
According to the National Institutes of Health, compared with inpatient treatment, those that attend outpatient programs retain greater freedom, continue to work, and maintain day-to-day activities with fewer interruptions, and have fewer treatment related costs.
The 5 Benefits of Outpatient Detox Programs You Should Know About
Outpatient programs for drug or alcohol detoxification is a good alternative for people that currently have obligations like school, work and/or family. It is also the proper choice if the substance problem is not severe. If you experience withdrawal symptoms from the substance, and are able to manage them, then outpatient detox may be the right choice for you or a loved. Here are 5 benefits to choosing an outpatient detox program:
Lower Costs:
An outpatient detox problem is more cost effective for mild-moderate drug or alcohol dependence than inpatient programs. There would be no need to spend the extra cost associated with inpatient programs if not needed. You still get the level of care needed to safely detox under the supervision of licensed medical professionals.
More Freedom:
You will not have to take time off from work or school. The outpatient appointments can be scheduled according to what is more convenient for you, so you do not have to worry about missing work or school. This gives you more freedom –while still getting help.
Meet Personal Obligations:

In outpatient detox you are able to stay in the comforts of your home and go to treatment at preappointed times.
You can still tend to your obligations and family responsibilities. This works well for those that want to maintain their normal day-to-day activities without interruptions. You do not need to sacrifice time away from personal relationships when attending outpatient detox.
Medication-assisted Detox:
Outpatient detox programs provide the proper administering of medication you may need, and also provides medical support and monitoring throughout the detox process. You can expect phone support with a licensed medical staff member whenever need to talk about your progress.
Counseling and Recovery Resources:
Resources like group counseling can be offered and is a great way to find support from others with similar issues. Other types of counseling/therapy can be family, marriage counseling, and one-on-one. All or any of these types of counseling can greatly help individuals to learn new ways to conquer the temptations that may lead them to start using harmful substances, and stay drug or alcohol free.
Getting Started on the Detoxification Process
It is clear that for mild-moderate drug or alcohol dependence outpatient detox programs can offer more freedom to individuals with obligations. With fewer disruptions a person attending a detox program will not need to worry about losing their job or missing a school term. If you or a loved one have an interest in receiving outpatient detox treatment, then talking to a drug or alcohol addiction specialist can help you find the detox center that meets your needs. The sooner you call, the quicker you can begin treatment.