8 Essential Items to Pack When Going to Inpatient Drug Rehab
Preparing for inpatient drug rehab can be chaotic and stressful, especially when problems with addiction have reached their peak. Many are unable to focus when packing and forget to bring essential items, which makes it difficult for recovering addicts to settle in comfortably after arriving at rehab. While every inpatient rehab center has its own rules and guidelines regarding what patients can bring, knowing the basics can help set recovering addicts on the path to sobriety immediately after settling in.
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, call our 24/7 confidential helpline right away at 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?). Our caring addiction treatment specialists will guide you or your loved one toward nearby drug or alcohol rehab centers that can help.
Here are eight essential items to pack when going to an inpatient drug rehab center.
1. Clothing
Most inpatient rehab centers recommend packing about a week’s worth of comfortable clothing. Comfortable clothes are vital for relaxation and recovery, especially throughout the detox and withdrawal stages. Before going to rehab, patients can verify the dress code policy to ensure they bring appropriate clothing.
2. Insurance and ID
One or more forms of personal identification and health insurance is often required upon check-in at most inpatient rehab centers.
3. Prescription Medications
Those who take prescription medications are required to bring their medications to rehab, as long as the pills are still in their original pharmacy bottles with information labels. This helps rehab staff choose the best course of treatment based on existing medications being used by addiction patients.
4. Blank Notebook
Writing in a notebook or journal can be therapeutic for many recovering addicts. A notebook can be used to make notes about recovery progress, triggers, daily reflections, and more.
5. Personal Photos
Bringing photos of friends, family members, and other loved ones to rehab can make recovering addicts feel more at home. These photos can be displayed in a patient’s room, or stored in their wallets for safe keeping.
6. Cash
Some inpatient rehab centers have vending machines, general stores, and other goods and services that can be purchased using cash. Rehab staff generally recommends bringing between $50 and $100 in small bills for relatively small purchases throughout treatment.
7. Hygiene and Beauty Products
Rehab patients are generally advised to pack a 30-day supply of hygiene and beauty products such as deodorant, shaving cream, and shampoo. Many rehab centers have strict guidelines in place regarding hygiene and beauty, and generally prohibit patients from bringing aerosols and products that contain alcohol. Examples of beauty products that may contain alcohol are mouthwash and perfume.
8. Bedding
Some inpatient rehab centers allow patients to bring their favorite pillows or blankets to help make their stay more comfortable. Patients who undergo drug detox as part of treatment can benefit from recovering with bedding that feels familiar and safe, and that reminds them of home.
If you’re struggling with addiction and aren’t sure where to get help, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?). Our treatment specialists will help you find nearby inpatient drug rehab centers that can guide you safely and comfortably to improved health and sobriety.