5 Top Ways to Stay Sober After Leaving an Alcohol Detox Center
Overcoming physical dependency on alcohol at an alcohol detox center is just the first step of recovering from addiction. All traces of alcohol may be fully eliminated from your body after going through detox, but your lifestyle habits and mental health may still be influenced by addiction. The key to achieving lifelong sobriety after alcohol detox is learning how to build a new, healthy life that leaves no room for drinking or alcohol.
If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, understand you’re not alone in your fight, and that help is nearby. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?) to speak with a treatment specialist about nearby detox centers that can help you overcome addiction.
If you’re going to alcohol detox, or have recently completed detox, here are five ways to maintain lifelong sobriety following treatment.
1. Establish a Solid Support Network
Spend time in healthy environments away from negative influences, and with people invested in your personal well-being. Surrounding yourself with positive people can help you stay motivated throughout recovery, and make you feel good about your journey. Go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to bond with other recovering addicts, and spend time with friends and family who have your best interests at heart.
2. Maintain Good Health

Regular exercise relieves stress and restores emotional stability.
Maintaining good physical and psychological health is key to combating addiction and staying sober. Start exercising regularly, practice good nutrition, and get plenty of sleep on a daily basis. These healthy lifestyle habits are effective at naturally relieving stress, and at balancing the brain chemicals partly responsible for triggering addiction and mental illness.
3. Find New Hobbies and Interests
After completing alcohol detox, you’ll have more free time now that drinking isn’t part of your life. Find new hobbies and interests to fill your time and distract you from turning to alcohol, especially at times of boredom. If you’re not sure what to do with your free time, ask friends, family, and AA members for help with introducing you to new interests.
4. Manage Stress Using Healthy Methods
Many individuals turn to drinking as a way to cope with stress, which can make problems worse. Find new, healthy ways to manage and relieve stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. You could also start practicing a new, healthy habit at times of stress, such as listening to classical music or taking a long walk.
5. Continue with Addiction Treatment
Addiction often stems from psychological causes, meaning counseling and therapy can help you address underlying issues that led to addiction in the first place. After completing alcohol detox, ask your doctor, therapist, or detox center staff about attending ongoing counseling and support groups. For instance, 12-step support groups such as AA can help you stay on track with sobriety and teach you new ways to avoid relapse along the way.
Are you struggling with alcohol addiction and aren’t sure where to turn for help? Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?) to speak with one of our caring addiction counselors about a local alcohol detox center that can help you get clean.