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Is Suboxone Detox Safe? - As of 2002, Suboxone was approved by the U. S. Food & Drug Administration for use as an opiate addiction treatment, according to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. While still considered fairly new, Suboxone detox treatment has proven to be an effective opiate addiction treatment approach. As with most any medication treatment, ...
How Suboxone Detox Differs From Methadone - As opiate addiction rates continue to rise, new treatment approaches for helping addicts in recovery continue to be developed. Methadone, a long-standing treatment for opiate addiction, offers an effective treatment solution. In spite of the in-depth research and field data obtained regarding methadone’s effects, this treatment approach does still have its drawbacks. Suboxone, a fairly ...
Suboxone Detox Symptoms - According to the NLM, “The combination of buprenorphine and naloxone [brand name Suboxone] prevent withdrawal symptoms when someone stops taking opioid drugs by producing similar effects to these drugs.” In most cases, Suboxone is used for this purpose, especially because it can trigger withdrawal symptoms when abused. But what happens when an individual is ready ...
Suboxone Detox Methods - People addicted to opiate drugs such as heroin and pain-relief prescription medications often require medication replacement therapy as part of the drug treatment process. Suboxone is one of a handful of medications used to treat opiate withdrawal effects for recovering addicts. While effective at relieving withdrawal effects, Suboxone is also an opiate-based drug. This accounts ...