What to Expect in Holistic Alcohol Detox
Alcoholism is a devastating condition that ruins the lives of millions of people around the world. When it comes time to get professional help, the first step to healing is generally spent in a detox center where physical dependence can be overcome in preparation for psychological healing and recovery. In a holistic alcohol detox program, you can expect many of the same services found in a traditional detox program paired with a number of additional services aimed at helping the patient to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
What is Holistic Detox?
According to Cancer.org, “holistic medicine is defined in different ways. In general, it focuses on how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of a person are interconnected to maintain health.” Holistic detox focuses on recognizing that alcoholism has affected the entire life of the person, including his or her physical and mental health as well as his or her spirituality and emotional well-being. The only way to truly help an individual overcome alcoholism is to help them heal on all of these levels; holistic detox provides a foundation for such total person healing.
Methods of Treatment
Many different methods of treatment are utilized in holistic alcohol detox. The most common methods of treatment that are widely used in this type of alcohol detox include:
- acupuncture
- massage therapy
- herbal medicine
- Chinese medicine
- traditional medicine
- spiritual counseling and guidance
- behavioral counseling and therapy
- support
Each method of treatment can be intertwined to provide the patient with a whole person approach to overcoming alcohol withdrawal on a physical, mental, spiritual and emotional level.
Why Choose Holistic Alcohol Detox?
Your decision to choose holistic alcohol detox is based upon your desire to heal and to be treated like a person who has legitimate needs for healing, not just like a person with an addiction. Holistic alcohol detox will focus on you as a whole, providing treatment for underlying conditions and causes that may have led to your alcoholism as well as providing treatment for any conditions that have resulted from the alcoholism—all the while providing treatment for the alcoholism itself too. There’s no better way to kick start your recovery than to get started in a holistic alcohol detox program.