Lower Eastside Service Center Su Casa Methadone To Abstinence Res
Call 800-315-1376 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
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Also try these nearby Detox Centers in New York
- Bliss Poston the Second Wind Chemical Dependency Outpatient
- Beth Israel Medical Center MMTP Saint Vincents Clinic
- Veterans Administration Medical Center Chemical Dep Rehab Prog/Outpt Clinic
- ARTC Manhattan Clinic 21/Starting Point MMTP
- Center for Comp Health Practice Inc MAP
- Saint Johns Riverside Hospital MMTP Behavioral Health Services
- Daytop Village Inc Far Rockaway Entry and Re-Entry Unit
- Saint Johns Episcopal Hospital South Shore Inpatient Detox Unit
- Finger Lakes Addictions Counseling and Referral Agency/Alc Crisis Center
- Good Samaritan Hospital of Suffern Drug Abuse Treatment Unit/Detox