What Are Rapid Detox Centers, and How Can They Help?
Many addicts who choose to overcome addiction and get clean are ready to start and end the process as quickly as possible. If this sounds like you, rapid detox might be your ideal addiction treatment. Rapid detox centers can help you overcome drug addiction in as little as 48 hours, and prevent you from experiencing intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms that would otherwise increase your risk for relapse.
If you’re struggling with drug addiction, understand that you’re not alone in your fight. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?) to speak with an addiction counselor about nearby rapid detox centers devoted to helping you overcome substance abuse.
Here’s what you need to know about rapid detox centers, and how they can help you or your loved one overcome addiction.
What is Rapid Detox?
Rapid detox is an accelerated detox treatment that allows you to overcome physical dependency on substances within anywhere from two days to one week. With rapid detox, you’ll receive general anesthesia or sedation so you can relax and remain unconscious throughout the process.
Rapid detox is administered using IV injections of medications that block the effects of certain drugs, or that eliminate withdrawal symptoms so you experience little to no discomfort. In most cases, rapid detox lasts no longer than eight hours, and requires a hospital stay of no more than two days. However, more severe cases of addiction and physical dependency may require a longer hospital stay.
Avoid Relapse

Rapid detox will help you break free from drug dependency!
Many who struggle with addiction end up relapsing after rehab due to various reasons, such as experiencing strong drug cravings or going through withdrawal. But rapid detox centers help lower your risk for relapse by fully addressing physical dependency within a short amount of time.
Avoid Withdrawal Symptoms
When your body becomes physically dependent on drugs, it requires those substances regularly to avoid going through withdrawal. Some drug withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening and compromise your overall health, such as seizures and coma. But rapid detox treatment allows you to completely bypass withdrawal symptoms and avoid related discomfort.
Treat Underlying Causes of Addiction
Sometimes, addiction involves more than just physical dependency on drugs. If you became addicted to alcohol or drugs due to experiencing depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or domestic trauma, you can receive therapy to overcome these co-occurring disorders. Going through rapid detox allows you to quickly address and overcome the underlying causes behind your addiction.
Resume Healthy Living Sooner
Overcoming addiction can be an exciting time period, especially when you discover new hobbies and interests that replace substance abuse, or mend relationships with friends and loved ones. Undergoing rapid detox allows you to get back to your life sooner than later, especially since many traditional rehab programs last between 30 and 90 days. You can also benefit from overall improved health and wellness if IV vitamin therapy was included as part of treatment.
If you’re struggling with drug abuse, understand that you don’t have to overcome addiction on your own without help. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?) to speak with a drug abuse counselor about your options for rapid detox centers near you.