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Symptoms of Detoxing from Alcohol

Although most people view alcohol as mostly harmless with the exception of drunk driving and making a fool out of yourself, it’s not all fun and games. Unfortunately, there are underlying dangers to alcohol withdrawal and detoxification. The symptoms of detoxing from alcohol can even sometimes be deadly.


According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, tremors are one of the first signs of alcohol withdraw usually appearing between 6 to 48 hours after stopping drinking.

In some cases tremors are so bad that you cannot hold a glass or stop shaking. If you start to experience this it is important to get help as soon as possible. To find a treatment center that can help call 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?).


This is an extremely common symptom of most drug withdrawal. It usually begins when you realize that you are not going to drink or have nothing to drink. The anxiety is normally controlled with Catapress and benzodiazepines when you are in treatment.

Nausea and Vomiting

This is one of the most common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Nausea and vomiting may even begin before you quit drinking completely. These occur because your body cannot handle the amount of alcohol that you put into it so it goes into somewhat of a poison reaction.


Detoxing from Alcohol

Headache and confusion are common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Also a symptom of a hangover, the headache during alcohol withdrawal is due to massive dehydration. Doctors often push fluids if you are not vomiting or start a saline and potassium IV for those who are vomiting.

Rapid Heart Rate

This is one of the more dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Due to both the alcohol and dehydration your heart rate is very rapid. This can cause tachycardia which can also cause heart failure. Rapid heart rate is one of the reasons why medical or supervised alcohol withdrawal is so important.


This symptom is more annoying than dangerous and makes it easy to tell if someone is in withdrawal. When going through withdrawal a person will sweat even in a cold room.


Although this might seem like more of a symptom of alcohol use than withdrawal, people going through it will often be confused or extremely forgetful. Although this form of confusion is not usually dangerous it can lead to relapse if the person trying to get off alcohol has access to it and becomes confused about drinking.


Insomnia happens in later stages of withdrawal. After the initial detox many people who quit alcohol go through a period of severe insomnia where they do not sleep for days.

Delirium Tremens

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, alcohol withdrawal causes something known as delirium tremens. This condition is characterized by:

  • agitation
  • fever
  • hallucinations
  • seizures
  • severe confusion

Delirium Tremens can result in death if left untreated.

Dangerously High Blood Pressure and Stroke

Dangerously high blood pressure leads to stroke during alcohol withdrawal. Although this is relatively uncommon it is still a danger. If you choose to detox from alcohol alone, the risk increases. This is part of the reason why it is better that you detox in a treatment center.

To find a treatment center that can help with the symptoms of detoxing from alcohol call 800-315-1376 (Who Answers?). We can help you find the treatment center that is right for you.

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